The Switch-On Warm Up

This year I’ve been using a warm-up that I wrote out called The Switch-On. It covers everything that I need to stay in shape while I’m juggling a playing career with teaching, composing, conducting FYCB, and part-time study. Colleagues have also found this useful for themselves and their students, so I thought I’d share it as a free resource HERE


  • I often slur No. 1: focus on efficient air, minimal pressure, slamming valves completely in time
  • Repeat No. 3 8va
  • No. 4 is played 3 times: slow with air attacks (no slurs), gently slurred, then fast soft staccato
  • No. 5 completely in time, all about the air connection, pause on top notes
  • No. 6 play twice: slurred, then legato or staccato tongue

Let me know how you go!

Louisa x